Cupping, for Muscular Tension & Liver Inflammation

One of cuppings’ most tantalizing applications is its ability to dredge the intercostals by gently sliding the apparatus along the muscular & fascial contours of the ribs. It can feel quite invigorating, and, as you can see, draws lots of “blood heat” out toward the epidermis, producing a skin redness akin to a guasha treatment.

⚛ Here I am working around 🌳Ganshu (BL18), the back shu point of the liver. Heat in the blood can come from overconsumption of fatty foods, drugs and alcohol—all of which are tended to by the livers enzymes & cytochromes. An excess of these foods and drinks can inflame the liver and irritate digestion and mood. Blood heat (inflammation) can also build up from stress and anxiety, which trigger production of immunosuppressant hormones like cortisol. No Bueno. 💣 The sliding cup helps pull out the heat while opening and dispersing stagnant materials in the exterior body tissues: pain is diminished as blood is moved. The serratus muscles are given a great release as well.

⚖ A reduction in body temperature is something I’ve often noticed, too. Quite a nice therapy when you feel hot all the time!


🔥🔥 come try it some time. You’ll not regret it~

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